Computer sets are not created automatically

If despite choosing an according option in system automation settings some computers did not undergo set creation, it may be a result of WMI base being damaged. It may also mean that the software installed on the computer sets up a conflict with uplook scanner. 

How to check it out:

  1. Create offline scanner
  2. As an administrator, launch scanner on the computer that lacks the set
  3. In the scanner menu, choose Alternative and choose Read data about hardware (using WMI) checkbox
  4. If the scanner stops by a particular WMI class (e.g. Win32_Printer Configuration), the class should be read manually
  5. In Start choose Launch 
  6. Input wbemtest.exe and wait for a new window to be displayed 
  7. Click ‘Connect’ and choose root/cimv2 
  8. Next, click on Inquiry and perform SELECT * FROM CLASS_NAME_THAT_SCANNER_OFFLINE_STOPS_BY, e.g.:
    SELECT * FROM Win32_PrinterConfiguration
  9. If during an attempt of displaying the results the program ceases to work, it means that there appears a problem with WMI. 
  10. In the case above, it appears that the source of a problem might be Universal Document Converter. 

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