Uninstalling Uplook Agent


There is no possibility of uninstalling uplook Agents through Windows Control Panel (Add or remove programs)  :

  • for Windows 2000\2003\XP
    Start >>> Ustawienia >>> Panel Sterowania >>> Dodaj lub usuń programy
  • for Windows Vista\7
    Start >>> Panel Sterowania >>> Odinstaluj program lub Programy i funkcje 
  • for Windows 2008\2012\8.x\10
    Start >>> Panel Sterowania >>> Programy i funkcje


Solution 1 – Local uninstallation

  1. To remove an Agent, you need to launch the installer (as an administrator). The Installator’s version ought to be the same as the Agent’s.


    In case you do not have a required version of the installer, use a newer one, update the Agent and proceed with the following instructions.

  2. The InstallShield Wizard for uplook Agent will be displayed. Click Next > to continue the uninstallation. 
  3. In the dialog box choose Remove and confirm the action,


Solution 2 – Remote uninstallation

  1. A remote uninstallation of uplook Agent may be done through uplook Master in Computers module.
  2. In the equipment list choose the agents you would like to have uninstalled and right-click to open a context menu.
  3. In the menu, choose Agent and Remote Agent uninstallation options. 


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