Changelog 18.1.0


Statlook® update released on 28.06.2024



  • Added dedicated permissions for attachments (All). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Added customization options (logo, colors) for StatlookWeb application (All). [Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Added a rule that responds to log entries in the Statlook system (All). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Added attachment history – showing to which inventory / user / license / issue it was assigned (Attachments). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Added an option to enable synchronization of the organizational view hierarchy (All). [Master, Server]

  • Added ‘Access’ tab in the user card (Users). [Master, StatlookWeb]

  • Expanded issue filtering by date type: update date, request date, creation date (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Added an automation rule for comments in issues that remain in draft status for more than 24 hours (Automation, Helpdesk). [Server, Master, StatlookWeb]

  • Added automatic maintenance of session history for remote connections (DirectPC). [Master, Server]

  • Added automatic event maintenance (Automation). [Master, Server]

  • Expanded the collection of user attributes (e.g., AD accountExpires, AD badPwdCount, AD badPasswordTime) read by the organizational view scanner (Users). [Server]

  • Added option ‘Notify those authorized to resolve this issue if no resolver is assigned’ (Helpdesk). [Master, Server]

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[st_unordered listicon="info"]
  • Added an option to log successful user logins to the Statlook system in the operation log (Users). [Master, Server]
  • Added permission for customizing the appearance of the StatlookWeb application (All). [Server]
  • Redesigned ‘Remote Desktop Sessions’ report (DirectPC). [Master, Server]
  • Added an option to skip current day data in recurring monitoring reports (Users). [Master, Server]
  • Added warning about consequences of archiving a user (Users). [Master, Server]
  • Statlook user account is not deleted during user archiving (Users). [Server, Master]
  • Added ‘All / Related to me’ switch for the ‘Recent Issues’ widget (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
  • Included: manufacturer, model, and serial number in agent information (Computers). [Master, StatlookWeb]
  • Modified the appearance of change history – added user avatar (All). [StatlookWeb]
  • Added support for viewing images with .webp and .svg extensions (Helpdesk, Attachments). [StatlookWeb]
  • Added the ability to view license details (All). [Server]
  • Added a close (X) button to the top-right corner of the ‘Company Online’ window (DirectPC). [Master]
  • Reorganized the main menu of the Master console (All). [Master]
  • Modified the UI of the Statlook account creator (All). [Master]
  • Added the ability to exclude ports from being listened to by agents and the master console (All). [Server]
  • Added the option to filter processing activities/data sets in the selection control (GDPR). [StatlookWeb]
  • Added an option to enable MFA on the ‘Statlook Access’ tab during user editing (Users). [Master, StatlookWeb]
  • Modified remote desktop session – identification of the operator making the connection and changed the UI of the time range filter (DirectPC). [Agent, Master, Server]
  • Increased the maximum threshold value for the agent connection rule from 120 to 720 days (Automation). [Server]
  • Removed the profile of the reporting user ‘Related Users’ (Helpdesk). [Server]
  • Added validation for phone number and email address – blocking duplicate phone numbers and email addresses (Whistleblower). [StatlookWeb]
  • Moved ‘Open Statlook Web’ command to the ‘File’ menu. Removed ‘Statlook Web’ menu (All). [Master]
  • Added ‘Completion Time’ column to the recurring ‘SLA Times’ report (Helpdesk). [Server]
  • Changed time formatting in the ‘SLA Times’ and ‘Time Records’ reports for excel files (Helpdesk). [Server]
  • Added full view for the absence card (Users). [StatlookWeb]
  • Redesigned the main menu of the operation log and improved data export (All). [Master]
  • Monitoring events from processes: msedgewebview2.exe, RuntimeBroker.exe, WebViewHost.exe are passed to the parent process (Users). [Agent]
  • Added the ability to define a custom host name in the ‘Network’ and ‘Statlook Web’ tabs (All). [Server]
  • Added the ability to disable selected communication protocols: nettcp \ http in the ‘Network’ tab. [Server]
  • Limited the display of the tour guide (All). [StatlookWeb]
  • Improved attachment preview scaling (All). [StatlookWeb]
  • Added a setting to enable the removal of domains ending in ‘.local’ (Computers). [Master, Server]
  • Included the title and creation date in the notes preview (All). [StatlookWeb]
  • Modified the UI of the notes preview (All). [StatlookWeb]
  • Optimized the display of tabular reports – getTextWidthInPixels (All). [StatlookWeb]
  • Reorganized the main application menu (All). [Master]
  • The time range for the ‘Longest Breaks’ widget is taken from the dashboard settings (Users). [StatlookWeb]
  • Added ‘Completed’, ‘Private’ columns to notes reports (All). [StatlookWeb]
  • Added ‘Category Rating’ column to the ‘Used Applications’ report (Users). [Master]
  • Modified the license key matching algorithm for comparing full and partialKey keys (Software). [Server]
  • Added ‘Browser’ column to the recurring ‘Visited Websites’ report (Users). [Server]
  • Added ‘Size’ column to the recurring ‘Sent Data’ report (Users). [Server]
  • Improved sorting of data in the ‘Risk Level’ column (Whistleblower). [StatlookWeb]
  • Permissions – added the ability to filter rights by archived elements (All). [Master]
  • Improved time formatting in the ‘Time Spent’ column in the ‘Window Titles’ report (Users). [Server]
  • Modified predefined issue categories (Whistleblower). [Server]
  • Expanding one main menu item hides other expanded menu items (All). [StatlookWeb]
  • Port 80 redirection is activated only when the default https port is used (All). [Server]
  • Updated the installed PostgreSQL database server to version 16.1 (All). [Server]




  • Fixed: No access to disk when the agent is disconnected from the server (Datalook). [Agent]

  • Fixed: Incorrect sorting of status values in selection controls (Computers, Inventory). [Master, StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: User statistics online always return one employee (Users). [Server]

  • Fixed: No comment content in the preview of the latest comment for a deleted user (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Action needs to be repeated to cancel the change in KB article (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: MS Teams call time monitoring did not work (Users). [Agent]

  • Fixed: ‘CreateIssue – Sequence contains no elements’ (Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Fixed: Unable to restart the server after disabling SSL in the server configurator (All). [Server]

  • Fixed: Automatic email maintenance did not work (All). [Server]

  • Fixed: Unable to change the status of a request in the kanban board (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Incomplete data in the company\department selection list (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: ‘ERROR_BAD_NET_PATH (67)’ – No reading of local computer administrator permissions (Datalook). [Agent]

  • Fixed: Additional attributes not displaying in full card view (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: User with ‘Employee’ permissions can add a data set or processing activity from ‘Quick Add’ (GDPR). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Images in email notification templates are added multiple times as attachments (Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Fixed: Incorrect scroll height with varying heights of individual elements (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Issue with printing ‘Bizlook’ report (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Adding text containing ‘[‘ or ‘]’ to the database (Postgres) (All). [Server]

  • Fixed: Unable to save company logo (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: ‘Cannot modify an archived user. To make modifications, unarchive by changing their status…’ (Users). [Server]

  • Fixed: Unable to add scan result of software to audit (Audit). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: ‘Duplicate key value violates unique constraint IX_amnPredefinedReport’ (Automation). [Server]

  • Fixed: Sorting not working correctly in the department-assigned items preview window (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Exception about user activity data permissions appears after login (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: ‘String length exceeds 250 characters – hlpIssue Topic’ (GDPR). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Status of ‘Absence Request’ not refreshing after status change (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: ‘analyzing ‘^???$’ – Nested quantifier ?.’ during license key saving (Software, Licenses). [Server]

  • Fixed: Issue creation date filter not working (Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Fixed: Blank page when accessing issue card (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Missing translation for ‘Acquisition Date’ in the resource info card (Computers, Inventory). [Master]

  • Fixed: Prolonged ‘SSL handshake’ time during connection test with MSSQL (All). [Server]

  • Fixed: ‘Error converting value {null}…’, which could occur when adding/editing power schedule (Powerlook). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Possible webpage duplication if the URL contains a non-standard port (Weblook). [Server]

  • Fixed: Unable to add video to the request description, knowledge base entry, and public whistleblower page (Helpdesk, Whistleblower). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Creating a leave on the first day of the month causes the leave to be created for the entire previous month (Users). [Server]

  • Fixed: Time filter not considered in reports: ‘Security Breach History’, ‘Personal Data Modifications’, ‘Recent Access Requests’ (GDPR). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: No permission check for reports (Licenses). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’ when accessing CPU Monitoring report (Powerlook). [Master]

  • Fixed: ‘22025: invalid Unicode escape’ (All). [Server]

  • Fixed: Incorrect time in columns storing time in UTC format – PostgreSQL (All). [Server]

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