- Improving the formatting of pasted text for the description of issues and comments (Helpdesk). [StalookWeb]
- Modification of the algorithm for calculating break time and inactivity time in the ‘Computer Work’ report (Users). [Master, Server]
- Added: the UmgProperty setting to change the order of the first and last name in the CommonName (Users). [Server]
- Added: the UmgProperty setting to allow the exclusion of selected MAC addresses during resource identification (Computers, Inventory). [Server]
Fixed: Lack of description or incorrectly formatted description of issues/comments (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
Fixed: Lack of inventory identification by MAC addresses (Computers, Inventory). [Server]
Fixed: Incorrect operation of filtering for net/gross amount (Computers, Inventory). [Master]
Fixed: Endless loader when generating IntelligentMail barcode (Inventory). [Master]
Fixed: Inability to modify individual permissions (All). [StatlookWeb]
Fixed: ‘Require action’ switch default set to ‘No’ (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
Fixed: Generating barcode based on the mask always uses default settings (Inventory). [StatlookWeb]
Fixed: ‘Required property IdUser not found in JSON. Path userRolesToAdd[0]’ (All). [StatlookWeb]