Changelog 17.3.0


Statlook® update released on 06.11.2023



  • Added CPU load monitoring (Powerlook, Computers). [Agent, Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Added the ability to import users from Azure AD (Users). [Master, Server]

  • Added integration with SMS API (All). [Master, Server]

  • Added the ‘Send SMS’ action for automation events (Automation). [Master, Server]



  • Changed the ‘Sent Files’ report to ‘Sent Data’ (Weblook). [Agent, Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Generating barcodes based on the primary/secondary attributes of Inventory (Inventory). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Added the ability to assign more than 1 email address to a user (Users). [Master, Server]

  • Added: Automation rule in case of inactivity in the issue (Helpdesk, Automation). [Master, Server]

  • Added a tooltip with user information to reports in the ‘Management’ group (Users). [Master]

  • Added the “Change Type” column to the ‘History’ reports (All). [Master, Server]

  • Added a timeline for the number of events in the ‘Windows Event Logs’ report (Computers, Users). [Master, StatlookWeb]

  • Added the ability for global search of GDPR reports (GDPR). [Server, Statlook]

  • Included archived Inventory in the license editor in the related Inventory tab (Licenses). [Master]

  • Marked archived computers in the ‘Product Keys’ report (Software). [Master]

  • Improved the formatting of exported operation logs (All). [Master]

  • Added the ability to import properties: ‘Network Membership’ from a text file (Inventory). [Master]

  • Category management – Added a counter of KB articles (Helpdesk). [Master]

  • Removed the time range filter from the ‘Program Usage’ report (Computers, Software). [Master, StatlookWeb]

  • Increased the limit of recently viewed issues in the helpdesk from 3 to 10 (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Displayed recently updated issues in the issue list view (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Created an ‘Active Directory’ information card in the form of computer editing (Computers, Inventory). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Changed the default action from edit to preview for attachments (Attachments). [StatlookWeb]

  • Added a data filtering row in tabular reports (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Removed the ‘Recurring’ column in the ‘Task Execution Results’ reports (Scriptlook). [Master]

  • Changed the way the Signalist public page is masked (Signalist). [Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Removed the suffix of the Signalist public page path and replaced it with the full path (Signalist). [Server, Agent, StatlookWeb]

  • Changed the way information about a blocked website is displayed (Weblook). [Master, Server, Agent, StatlookWeb]

  • Optimized the import of the host list (Weblook). [Server]

  • Added linking to the ‘My Day’ view in Statlook Assistant (All). [Agent]

  • Replaced the inventory attributes ‘Domain Member’ and ‘Domain/Workgroup’ with the attribute ‘Network Membership’ (Computers). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Introduced multitab support for cards (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Added the ability to group data: ‘by hours’ in columns representing time (All). [Master]

  • Optimized data retrieval for the comment preview form in issues (Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Optimized data retrieval for the issues list (Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Added a toggle to set the person who should take action on the issue (Helpdesk). [Master]

  • Added the ability to manage Windows accounts from the user card (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Added the ability to save the user status during the import of users from a text file (Users). [Master]

  • User card – Added information about which Windows account is the primary account (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Created a new form for selecting file directories (All). [Master]

  • Added the ability to preview edited KB entries (Helpdesk). [Statlook Web]

  • Changed the way files are downloaded to avoid creating empty files on the receiving end if they cannot be read on the agent side (DirectPC). [Master, Agent]

  • Optimized the checking of user permissions for attachments (Attachments). [Server]

  • Added information about the upcoming expiration date of AS / AS Plus or Signalist module licenses (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Added the ability to scan files while bypassing executable files (Software). [Agent, Master]

  • Added missing columns to recurring reports: ‘Computer Usage’ and ‘Used Applications’ (Users). [Master, Server]

  • Department management – Presenting the number of items at the company level (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Added a toggle: ‘Show only my attachments’ (Attachments). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Response time in a issue when performing actions through automation is no longer set (Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Added the ability to generate a report from the Report Templates in Statlook Web (All). [Statlook Web]

  • Added rights to generate documents based on templates (All). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Updated Devexpress to version v23.1 (All). [Master, Server, Agent]



  • Fixed: From the related issue selection, there was the possibility of linking a GDPR issue (Helpdesk). [Server, StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: During inventory import from a file, there was no separation of IP addresses into IPv4 and IPv6 (Inventory). [Master]

  • Fixed: The recurring report wizard allows the selection of a file type that is not in the report configuration (All). [Master]

  • Fixed: Failure to delete the category supervisor after its archiving (Users, Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Fixed: Possibility of arbitrary change of computer type with an assigned agent (Computers). [Server]

  • Fixed: Settings – Incorrect inheritance of configuration for the default protocol (Inventory). [Master]

  • Fixed: Incorrect number of items in location management (All). [Server]

  • Fixed: Lack of data refresh in filters after creating a new user in the ‘Windows Accounts’ report (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: The link pasted into the issue content or comment is not clickable (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Styles from the comment or issue description affect the application’s appearance (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Lack of data in the user column in the ‘Windows Accounts’ report for archived users (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Incorrect ProductId for MS Office 2019 (Software). [Agent]

  • Fixed: Inability to overwrite existing barcodes (Computers, Inventory). [Server]

  • Fixed: Failure to close the connection after reading the calendar time range data (Users). [Master]

  • Fixed: No response to clicking the comment context menu (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Possible suspension of the agent when reading Windows Update information (Computers). [Agent]

  • Fixed: The table of contents for KB reads paragraph formatting from the article content (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: ‘Anchored’ table of contents in the KB article (Helpdesk). [Statlook Web]

  • Fixed: In the comment preview form, the first comment displays the avatar of another user (Helpdesk). [Master]

  • Fixed: Inability to group change location for a user without an assigned company/department (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Inability to change the company and department if the logged-in user belongs to the ‘Employees’ group (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: The ability to save the value of a dictionary attribute that contains only spaces (All). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Console freeze in master after deleting the start or end date in the time range filter (All). [Master]

  • Fixed: Lack of permission panel on the ‘Statlook Account’ tab (Users). [Master]

  • Fixed: The KB table of contents does not include headers at level 4 and below (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: ‘NotImplementedException’, which occurred in GDPR access report templates (Users, GDPR). [Master]

  • Fixed: Lack of the ‘Statistics’ tab after logging in using the assistant (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: In the software audit report, the default barcode appears even if the computer does not have one (Audit). [Master]

  • Fixed: ‘Inventory Number ? is already in use’ (Inventory, Computers). [Master]

  • Fixed: Scaling issue in the graphic preview added to the issue description or comment (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Lack of data on the ‘Activity Trend’ chart for a one-day range (Users). [Master]

  • Fixed: GetTimeTrackingEntriesByParams – ‘The query processor ran out of internal Inventory and could not produce a query plan’ (Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Fixed: ‘An object that allows an empty value must have a value.’, which occurs after deleting the upper or lower time range in the ‘Event Logs’ report filter (Computers, Users). [Master]

  • Fixed: Barcode label printing does not consider page size (Computers, Inventory). [Master]

  • Fixed: ‘No permissions (UserX)’ in Statlook Assistant (Helpdesk). [Agent]

  • Fixed: Statlook Account tab – Removing individual permissions if assigned roles are changed (Users). [Server]

  • Fixed: The department selection form could contain only one collapsed item: ‘All’ (All). [Master]

  • Fixed: ‘The updated user does not have access rights to specified departments.’ (Users, Helpdesk). [Server]

  • Fixed: Inability to save additional communication channels (Signalist). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Possible application hang when reading user avatars for issue comments (Helpdesk). [Master]

  • Fixed: Lack of context menu for the comment (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Lack of scaling for large images in knowledge base articles (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Lack of grouping by hour in the WWW monitoring data in the ‘My View’ panel (Users). [StatlookWeb]

  • Fixed: Statlook.Master.Common.Editors.BaseEditForm.<m_ctlMenuView_DelayedFocusedNodeChanged>d__81.MoveNext(): ‘System.NullReferenceException’ (All). [Master]

  • Fixed: Lack of data in the ‘Program Usage’ report if the ‘Show Computers’ option is disabled (Software). [StatlookWeb]

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