- Added: ‘Powerlook’ module (Powerlook). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb Agent]
- Added: Wake On / shutdown computers, one-time or scheduled (Powerlook). [Server, Master, StatlookWeb]
- Added: object permission filters (e.g. by organizational units, creators, directly selected objects) (All). [Master, Server]
- Added: grouping data by computer in user activity reports (Users). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Added: email notification templates (Helpdesk). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Added: user authentication using Azure AD service (Users). [Server, Master, Agent, StatlookWeb]
- Added: wallboard view for selected widgets (Wallboard). [StatlookWeb]
- Organizational View Scanner – Added: network scanning by selected agents (Computers). [Master, Server, Agent]
- Added: basic statistics for computers and inventory (Computers, Inventory). [Server, StatlookWeb]
- Added view: ‘Statlook Account Management’ (All). [Master, Server]
- Added report: permissions for inventory module (Inventory). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Added: new options for notification groups (Automation, Helpdesk, Users). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Cyclic Reports – Added report: ‘Operating Systems’ (Software). [Master, Server]
- Added: exporting tabular reports (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: DisplayVersion reading for operating system (software). [Agent, Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Modified: tooltip with user information in Helpdesk report. [Master]
- Added widget: ‘Monitor resolutions’ (inventory). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Activity Trend – Added: option to group by user and computer (Users). [Master]
- Added: option to export charts to png and csv file (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: sorting by date of creation of scan results before sending to server (computers, software). [Agent]
- Added: preview of assigned attachments (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added statistics: ‘Most Popular Websites’ (Users). [StatlookWeb]
- Added report: ‘Most used applications’ (Users). [StatlookWeb]
- Unified user display – Added: avatar and user tab opening action (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: tag descriptions for prompts (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: preview of last comment in the issue report (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: limit on the number of mouse clicks for the same mouse pointer position (Users). [Agent]
- Added: ‘Logged-in users’ view (Users). [StatlookWeb]
- Removed: entering the old password when changing it (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: ‘Windows Accounts’ (Users) report. [StatlookWeb]
- Added: viewing the last comment in the issue report (Helpdesk). [Master, Server]
- Removed: ‘ChangesetCommentsPolicy'(Helpdesk) policy. [Master]
- Removed: the message about incompatible server version when manually changing connection settings (All). [Agent, Server]
- Modified: department management settings. (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: option to filter by user in the work time report (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: ‘Roles’ column to the General (Users) report. [Server, [StatlookWeb]
- Added: adding comments in groups (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: automatic database maintenance settings (All). “, [StatlookWeb]
- Added: ‘Permissions’ columns in ‘Access’ report (Gdpr). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: category name and rating in the host list (Weblook). [Master]
- Added widgets: ‘Computers by type’, ‘Computers by company’, ‘Computers by department’ (Start, Computers). [Master, Server]
- Removed: time range filter in KB list report (Helpdesk). [Master, StatlookWeb]
- Added: import of preferred language attribute from Active Directory (users). [Master, Server]
- Added: option to create KB article copy (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: default sorting of global search results by update time (All). [Master, StatlookWeb]
- Added: preferred/default language for user (Users). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Added: ‘Preferred Language’ column to ‘User List’ report (Users). [Server, Master, StatlookWeb]
- Modified: user interface for quick add objects (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Modified: the main navigation menu – Collapse / Expand (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: editing the description of added work time for Helpdesk. [StatlookWeb]
- Added: selectable date format for additional attributes of type DateTime (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: table view for absence report (Users). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: icon selection option for application alias (Users). [Master, Server]
- Added: ‘Computers’ module (Computers). [StatlookWeb]
- Added widget: ‘Computers by Type’ (Start, Computers). [Master, Server]
- Added switch: ‘Create date / Issue date’ and option to export widget: ‘Issue Trends’ (Helpdesk) . [StatlookWeb]
- Added: hide archived users in the selection window associated with the user report (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Reduced: the number of suggestions in the search when entering a report topic from 5 to 3 items (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Restored: the ‘Personalize agent installation package’ command (All). [Master]
- Added: ‘Statlook security key’ (All). [Master, Server, Agent]
- Improved: global search algorithm (All). [Server]
- Highlighted: grid search field (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: option to edit issue date (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Modified: the way to enter values for time records (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Optimized: insert/update issue object (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Standardized: stylize comment outline (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: option to summarize data in tabular reports (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Modified: KB article preview layout (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: default language settings (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Improved: sorting of data in the ‘Age of Computers (BIOS)’ widget (Computers). “[Master]
- Added: ‘Preferred Language’ column to user list report (Users). [Master, Server]
- Added: changing data in the ‘Department’ column to ‘Company and Department’. – Applies to general reports (Computers, Inventory). [Master, Server]
- Added: option to group change preferred user language (Users). [Master, StatlookWeb]
- Optimized: the layout of the object editing tab view in extended mode (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: information about selected items to be deleted in manual database maintenance (All). [Master]
- Added: accepting breaks for manager/supervisor account (Users). [Server]
- Modified: WBL address suffix accepts only Allowed characters (Whistleblower). [StatlookWeb”)
- Added: ‘Show All’ option for related issues in user tab (Users, Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: changing user location in groups (Users). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: new time format – ‘Rounded to hours and minutes’ (All). [Master]
- Modified: the formatting of the data in the ‘Duration’ column in the work time report – Format and total based on hours and minutes (Helpdesk). [Master]
- Added: Tile View Responsive Improvements for Knowledge Base Articles (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Improved: responsiveness of widget layout (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: editing values for priorities, importance (Helpdesk). [Master]
- Added: option to bulk Accept/Reject from absence report for ‘List’ view (Users). [Server, StatlookWeb]
- Modified: the threshold for triggering a predefined rule in response to a low number of free agent licenses (automation). [Server]
- Added: option to search for attributes when editing report view (All). [Master]
- Merged: tools for computers and DirectPC (Computers, DirectPC). [Master]
- Added: option to reject absences if no replacement is available (Users). [Server]
- Changed: UI for network data group (Inventory). [StatlookWeb]
- Modified: user interface for pop-up notifications (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: option to print and save files details (Computers, Software). [Master]
- Added: Administrative Template (ADM) to stop Agent Supervisor Service (All). [Agent]
- Added: ‘Open in new tab’ command for recently viewed issues (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: ability to quickly add time records (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: Allow save issue if the source email has no subject (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Time records – Added: time summation and added filter by user (Helpdesk). [Master]
- Modified: inactivity time in the request form (Whistleblower). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: reading of all computer graphics cards – not just enabled (Computer). [Master, Server]
- Added: option to support multiple graphics cards in the inventory/computer tab (Computers, Inventory). [StatlookWeb]
- Added: ‘Skip overdue tasks’ to the task execution schedule setting (Scriptlook). [Master, Server]
- Added: reading native resolution for monitors to automatically create monitors (computers, inventory). [Server]
- Added: limit on the maximum size of icons assigned to dictionary values (All). [Master]
- Added: limit on maximum size (5 MB) of user avatar image. (Users). [Master]
- Added: maximum attachment size settings (Helpdesk). [Master, Server]
- Modified: Cyclic Reporting – Include archived objects in the ‘Archived inventory’ report filter (All). [Master]
- Modified: if a user is archived, they are not in the Helpdesk list. [StatlookWeb]
- Added: email notifications – Define new recipients: solver, reporter, subscribers (Automation, Helpdesk). [Master, Server]
- Added: separate the ‘Hardware Data’ property for the inventory type into separate settings (Inventory). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Corrected: formatting of logical values in the ‘General’ report (License). [Master]
- Removed: email notification sent after KB was added (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Added: protection against ‘PathTraversal’ (All) attacks. [Server]
- Added: solver limit in Helpdesk module (Helpdesk). [Server, Master]
- Modified: Statlook Master and statlook Server application only in x64 version (All). [Master, Server]
- Updated: Devexpress to version v22.1.6 (All). [Master, Server, StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: KB entries and Gdpr requests are counted in the ‘Issue trends’ widget (Helpdesk) . [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Report not refreshing after group change of selected license properties, e.g. ‘Company and department’ (Licenses). [Master]
- Fixed: Inventory import – exceptions when creating new statuses, case-sensitive when matching (Inventory). [Master]
- Fixed: The status filter does not work when selecting multiple statuses too quickly (Helpdesk). [Master]
- Fixed: Inconsistency in network monitoring data (Users). [Agent, server]
- Fixed: The ‘SLA Times’ report does not display information about issues that have not been answered and resolved by anyone (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Fixed: The ‘SLA Times’ report records the completion item for the person who archived the issue and did not resolve them (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Fixed: Issue response time was modified multiple times. [Server]
- Fixed: Solver sees private and business comments of the reporter (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Fixed: ‘MailReader’ as a system account instead of ‘Import Email’ in the operation log (Settings). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: The processing activity report and data sets are not refreshed after editing an item (Gdpr). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: No increment in KB article displays (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Fixed: ‘Unable to insert duplicate key row in dbo.usmSessionBreak object with unique index IX_usmSessionBreak_LTime’ (Users.) [Server]
- Fixed: Object rights are not included in cyclic reports (All). [Server]
- Fixed: Inventory type selection control does not display types in the tree structure (Inventory). [Master]
- Fixed: Automatic time logging (< 60 sec.) after issue resolve, suspension or archiving is recorded as 0 min (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Fixed: ‘Sequence does not contain items’, which can occur when importing inventory from a text file (Inventory). [Master]
- Fixed: Issue history does not include the addition of a comment without text (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Fixed: No response to stop active time tracking (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Unable to select all categories by language (Whistleblower). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Saving an issue with active and archived time tracking causes an exception (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: No prompts for widgets (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Global search results – Missing data in Date created and Date modified columns for attachments (Attachments). [Server, StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Sensitive data category added in settings is not marked as confidential and cannot be selected in the corresponding form field. (Gdpr). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: ‘Error converting value (null) is type System.Int32’ (Automation). [StatlookWeb, Server]
- Fixed: ‘Pinned’ value not mapped to issue card (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Connecting a flash drive to a computer changes the size of the inventory HDD (Computers, Inventory). [Server, Agent]
- Fixed: Unable to select additional attributes of type ‘datetime’ and type ‘real number’ in the inventory importer from a text file (Inventory). [Master]
- Fixed: Automatic reloading of global search results without confirming the operation (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Exception with absence conflict is not generated if presence is rejected (Users). [Server]
- Fixed: Missing data in the ‘Absence Requests’ widget for the ‘For Approval’ view (Users). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Differences in column names of templates and general reports (Computers, Inventory). [Master]
- Fixed: Incorrect username in Windows Log’ (Users) report. [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Automatic reload of global search results without confirming the operation (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Possibility to make two changes to the termination of automatic time recording (Helpdesk). [Server]
- Fixed: Editing active auto-timetracking the request stops the calculation of time and resets the already counted (Helpdesk). [Master, StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Character limits in report fields were not always taken into account (Whistleblower). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: ‘Error converting value (null) to System.Int32 type’ that could occur when editing dictionary values (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: ‘Object reference is not set to object instance’, which could occur in the ‘Work time’ report (Users). [Master]
- Fixed: Agent access restrictions for users in the ‘Employee’ group (“, [All”).
- Fixed: Possible duplication of users when importing data from text file (Users). [Master]
- Fixed: Copying images from the issue description in preview mode in the form of comments does not work (Helpdesk). [Master]
- Fixed: Issue description part created from imported email is missing (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Possible failure to access encrypted external drive (Datalook). [Agent]
- Fixed: Incorrectly selected reporting user for issue created from user card (Users, Helpdesk). [Master]
- Fixed: If the user is archived, there is no data in the global search in the column: created by / modified by (All). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: deleting an assigned SLA results in a message: Unable to modify archived issue (Helpdesk). [Master]
- Fixed: Resetting amounts on the Finance tab in the Licenses module (Licenses). [Master]
- Fixed: No solver in the list of choices in the application tab for an applicant without an assigned department (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Assigning a related person to a case brings you to the user tab (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Copying images form issue description does not work (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: In the ‘Program Usage’ report, the computer name is replaced by the license type name (Computers, Software). [Main, Server]
- Fixed: Unable to import text with multiple lines (Inventory, Licenses, Helpdesk). [Master]
- Fixed: Missing icons in ‘Scan Management’ view (Computers, Software). [Master]
- Fixed: CSV Inventory Importer does not allow importing all columns, which allows exporting a module (Inventory). [Master]
- Fixed: No response to adding an attachment to a comment – no progress of the attachment saving operation (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
- Fixed: Protocol settings are deleted / overwritten with global options (inventory). [Master, Server]
- Fixed: Simple inventory filter is not always docked (Inventory). [Master]