Statlook 14 focuses on extending and refining all available modules and their functionality.
Helpdesk / Remote help
The latest version of the Helpdesk module has been extended with Service Level Agreements (SLA) and SLA reports, which will ensure that your company’s Helpdesk is supported at the highest level.

Another functionality is the automation of the Helpdesk. The ability to automatically assign requests to users via keywords or other automatic changes allows the Helpdesk staff to improve their work.

More features, such as dashboard view for the knowledge base, a list of recently viewed issues, auto-completing comments using templates via keyboard shortcuts – they all make the Helpdesk even more friendly for those who use it every day.
Employees / Users
Correct accounting of working time at the computer has always been very important for us. Statlook 14 provides an opportunity to comment on breaks (time away from the computer). The breaks with comments can be accepted in the system by supervisors. Additionally, you can view the structure of employees on a chart. From now on, you can easily check who is a supervisor and how many employees are in a given team.

In 2020, Microsoft based the Edge browser on Chromium engine and the latest version of Statlook fully supports this browser in monitoring activity.
Resources / Inventory
Changes have also been made in the Resources module, where hardware protocols have been given profile settings. In addition, the ability to group change additional attributes for resources has been added, thus increasing the flexibility of the module for people who use it.

Software / License check
Statlook 14 modifies the Software management functionality. The remote uninstallation of the software has been enhanced and the option to define folders to be skipped during scans using wildcard symbols has been added.

StatlookWeb has also gained a lot of novelties and improvements. An attachment report, extending the possibility of formatting descriptions in issues and the knowledge base. A new report on session breaks and the entire Automation module will effectively improve the work of all those who prefer to work in a browser rather than use a desktop Master console.