Changelog 16.1.4


Statlook® update released on 15.03.2022



  • Added: Network Service permissions to certificate private key used by statlook server (All). [Server]
  • Added: support for tooltips settings for issue descriptions and comments (Helpdesk). [Sta-tlookWeb]



  • Fixed: Possible delay (approx. 2 hours) in the process of updating agents (All). [Server]
  • Fixed: No comment content after saving a draft of the comment and switching between the issue tabs (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
  • Fixed: The edited comment returns to the draft if another comment is added at the same time (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
  • Fixed: Filter items: ‘Assigned’, Submitted by’ are not checked after refreshing the issue list (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]
  • Fixed: ‘Show More’ button in the ‘My issues’ and ‘Reported by me’ widget does not change the state of report filter items (Helpdesk). [StatlookWeb]

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